
成立於2017年,為彥恩國際經紀事業股份有限公司另創之影視娛樂產製公司,曾參與過好萊塢電影《變形金剛4》、 HBO影集《Grace》、《魔人爭霸HALFWORLDS II》 、陳可辛監製作品《十月圍城》、林書宇導演作品《九降風》、 名導李安導演作品《少年PI的奇幻漂流》、由侯孝賢及葉如芬投資之電影《強尼凱克》等知名電影,並令旗下演員榮獲/入圍金馬獎最佳新演員、金鐘獎最佳迷你劇集/電視影集女配角獎、金鐘獎戲劇節目男配角獎、校園鑫馬獎最佳男主角等。近期更完成好萊塢動作鉅片《狂怒沙暴》、金獎導演樓一安導演作品《該死的阿修羅》、自傳式旅遊書籍《攀向沒有頂點的山:三條魚的追尋》、電影長片《一杯熱奶茶的等待》。
耕耘 & 收穫
爾後,《迴陰》不但入選2020年國產電影片企劃及劇本開發,更結合出版計畫上市小說,並透過2021年文化部積極紓困案製作電影前導片,電影長片受投資商青睞,電影長片與多項IP轉譯如火如荼進行中。電影《伏流》劇本入選2021文化部優良劇本。國泰人壽《人生向前 有您領跑》《大樹為您撐傘》《保險+科技》、法藍瓷國際光點計畫等廣告作品也相繼完成,展現我們要爆紅影業之製作能力。
影視娛樂產製與貢獻亦為本公司之初衷與抱負,除網羅作家、編劇、導演、美術、音樂等人才,也於2021年加入NMEA新媒體暨影音發展協會,結合在地多元文創產業,向下扎根,同時大膽創新,謹慎佈局,與中、美、日、新加坡、馬來西亞電影娛樂企業接軌,未來將陸續啟動多部影劇製作及相關娛樂開發,靈異犯罪長片《迴陰》、科幻懸疑長片《紫蝶:賽姬的時間》、浪漫迷你影集《OVERTURE 1314》、奇幻喜劇長片《道別列車》、懸疑電影《伏流》以及IP開發《學校的秘密私塾》等。
Viral Storm Productions International was founded by Jack Shao, who personally set-out the blueprint for an entertainment enterprise integrating talent representation, music, film, and creative endeavors.
Viral Storm got its start at Façade International Co. Ltd in 2017, as a separate TV and film production company. Over the years we have joined numerous productions, from Hollywood’s cinematic hit “Transformers 4”, and HBOAsia’s series “Grace” and “Halfworlds II”. Closer to home, we worked on the Hong Kong smash hit “Body Guards and Assassins” from Peter Chan; as well as “Winds of September”, directed by Taiwan’s Tom Lim; Ang Lee’s blockbuster “The Life of Pi”; followed by the Taiwan drama “Missing Johnny”, which featured internationally acclaimed director Hou Hsiao-hsien as executive producer, and was financed by Ye Ju-fen. Our acting talents have garnered many awards, including the Golden Horse Award for Best New Performer, Golden Bell Awards for Best Supporting Actress in a TV mini-series and Best Supporting Actor, and the Loviewer 20 award for Best Actor. Recent milestones include the Hollywood blockbuster “Project X-Traction”(not released yet); Golden Bell Award winning director Lou Yi-an’s production “The Goddamned Asura”; the autobiographical travel book “Climbing the Mountain with No Peak: Tri Fish’s Search”; and the movie “Waiting for my cup of tea”.
Sowing & Taking Root
In 2019, our screenplay “Bloodfolded” was not only nominated for the Ministry of Culture’s Excellent Screenplay Award, but then among nearly 400 film projects coming from 15 countries and territories, it gained a place in the prestigious Golden Horse Film Project Promotion.
In 2020, “Bloodfolded” once again was in the spotlight. Not only was it selected for the National Movie Plan, as well as for screenplay development, but a publication plan was also formulated, with a novel based on this screenplay slated for publication in 2022. In 2021, “Undercurrent” was nominated by the Taiwan Excellent Movie Screenplay Awards Further laying testament to our production capabilities, we continued completion of various commercials and micro-movies, including “Life Moving Forward Together With You”, “Always Sunny Days”, “Simple Happiness” for Cathay Life Insurance, and Franz International Rising Star.
"Viral Storm" is not simply our yearning for fame, but an ambitious, long-term plan to actively and steadily invest in the Chinese-speaking market through solid planning for fulfilling our dreams, as well as our unyielding determination for success. At the same time, we demand the best of quality in everything we touch, and strive to always produce a “wow” factor. We add this zeal and passion to the Greater China film industry, focusing on projects which are not only entertaining, but also mixing in elements of true-love, and social consciousness, with the ultimate goal laying the groundwork for limitless future.
Visual entertainment production and achievement are our founding principle and ambition. In addition to recruiting talent in the fields of writing, screenwriting, directing, artistic direction and music, in 2021 we also joined the New Media Entertainment Association (NMEA) to integrate and take root in local, multifaceted creative industries, and at the same time, take bold steps in creativity, and carefully lay the groundwork for cooperation with the movie and entertainment industries in the United States, China, and Japan. Moving forward, we will continue to launch film productions and related entertainment endeavors, such as the supernatural crime film “Bloodfolded”; the sci-fi suspense feature “Purple Butterly: The Time of Psyche”; the romantic mini-series “Overture 1314”; the fantasy comedy “Farewell Train”; the history thriller movie “Undercurrent”; and the creative project “The Other Class”.